If you are wondering why your parents’ parents bothered to have an insurance agent, you are not alone.  It seems every year more and more new homeowners are ditching the idea of writing their policy with an insurance agent in favor of purchasing insurance online.  Is this a good idea?

Going direct to the carrier (writing your policy online) to insure your house has its advantages.  It speeds up the process and lets you determine the price you are willing to pay by giving you total control.  Unfortunately, you no longer have access to a specialized guide that makes sure you are properly protected.  Why do you need this?  Simply put, you don’t know what you don’t know.  

Today, our society has developed into a nation of specialists, and for good reason.  We have so many things to learn, do, and remember that it takes a specialist to guide you through the pitfalls of doing just about anything without a teacher.  When it comes to protecting what, more than likely, will be your biggest purchase in life, use a specialist.  And the best part is, they cost you nothing extra.  

What value do they bring to the table?  Agents offer 3 key benefits to homeowners.  One, they make sure you don’t have gaps in your coverage. They want to help you get this right, so you do not have a bad experience if you file a claim.  Wrong coverage equals bad experience.  Two, they protect you from saying and doing the wrong thing.  This is a sign of a great insurance agent.  They want to be in the loop before you file a claim to give guidance, so you don’t increase your premiums with zero payout.  Price goes up after a bad experience and you start shopping around.  Three, they have a network of service providers that do just about everything. You need a plumber they know a guy.  You need a roofer they know a girl.  You need a steak, well you get my point.  

From the desk of a person that cleans up homes when they experience a disaster.  Trust me, you want a great agent writing your policy.  What separates the normal from the great agents?  If you are asking this question, you are on the right track.